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Become a Friend of the Foundation

View of village from Sixberry House.
Charlton Park Village Foundation Logo with blue outline of the village with blue and orange text.

The Charlton Park Village Foundation was established in 1988 for the purpose of providing funds needed to preserve and maintain the Park’s Historic Village, Museum and Collections. Recognizing that financial assistance was needed, the Foundation created an endowment fund to support improvements. This goal is considerable since there are more than 20 historic structures on the Park grounds, most of which are over 100 years old.

Donations made to the Charlton Park Village Foundation by our community partners become part of the endowment. Half of the interest is used to fund projects and the other half is reinvested, providing the Park with approximately 5% of its annual operating budget. Specific projects are coordinated through the Park's Director and money to carry projects out is requested from the Foundation. All requests must be approved by majority vote of the Foundation's Board of Directors.

Donations accepted by GovPayNet. Please select "Foundation Donation" in the Fees dropdown menu.
3% service fee applies to all credit transactions.

Future Projects
  • Construction of a building for collections care
  • Replacing historic village boardwalks using wheelchair accessible design
Past Projects

Over the past decade, our generous donors have enabled the Foundation Board to provide the Park with more than $330,000 in funds for the preservation and maintenance of Historic Charlton Park's Village and Collection. Recent projects include:

Foundation Project - Museum Renovation
  • Renovation, display cases and lighting in the Irving D. Charlton Memorial Museum (Photo)
  • Funding the Park's collections intern annually
  • Hastings City Bank/McClintock clock restoration
  • Sixberry House & Carriage House Renovation - Windows, Paint and Window Treatments
  • Restoration of the Park's 1909 Buick
  • Preservation and painting exterior Upjohn House

Donors may choose to make a cash donation to the Foundation or give through their estate by establishing a charitable lead trust, revocable living trust, charitable remainder trust and/or a gift of stock or property. Whatever form your gift takes, rest assured that only a percentage of the interest from the Foundation's invested funds is expended-the principal is never touched, and that your gracious gift has truly made a positive impact improving the quality of life here in Barry County.

Please consider a donation to the Charlton Park Village Foundation. Donate online or call (269) 945-3775 for additional information. The Foundation is designated by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) organization and is licensed to solicit funds MICS/13374. Your gift is tax deductible.

Shirley Barnum; Secretary, Bob Becker; Vice-Chair, Frank Campbell, David DeHaan; Treasurer, Julie Guenther, Chair: John Jacobs, Tim Kelly, Carl Schoessel.

Donations accepted by GovPayNet. Please select "Foundation Donation" in the Fees dropdown menu.
3% service fee applies to all credit transactions.